UWARG Computer Vision
CCamera | Container class for storing information about the camera used to capture an image * |
CCommand | Describes a CLI Command that can be run in the program's repl |
▼CContourCreator | |
CCannyContourCreator | |
CDeckLinkCapture | |
▼CFilter | Abstract class providing an interface to modify images before edge detection is applied |
CKMeansFilter | |
CFrame | |
CGMapsMatcher | |
▼CIDeckLinkInputCallback | |
CDeckLinkInputCallback | |
▼CIDeckLinkVideoFrame | |
CCvMatDeckLinkVideoFrame | |
▼CImageImport | Abstract class for importing frames and corresponding metadata |
CDeckLinkImport | Module for extracting frames from DeckLink Video cards |
CPictureImport | Class for reading image files from a directory |
CVideoImport | |
CImporter | Class for reading image files from a directory |
▼Cintrusive_ptr | |
CComPtr< T > | |
CComPtr< DeckLinkInputCallback > | |
CComPtr< IDeckLink > | |
CComPtr< IDeckLinkInput > | |
CComPtr< IDeckLinkVideoInputFrame > | |
CMetadata | |
CMetadataInput | A class for storing and searching telemetry logs |
CMetadataReader | A class for reading telemetry logs |
CObject | Container class for storing information about identified targets in real-world measurements Adding PixelObjects consolidates their information into the Object |
CObjectDetector | |
CPixelObject | Container class for storing information about interesting objects in photos or video frames using pixels as measurement |
Crecursive_directory_range | |
CSource | |
CState | |
CTarget | Container class for storing information about identified targets in real-world measurements Adding PixelTargets consolidates their information into the Target |
CTargetAnalyzer | |
CTargetIdentifier | |
CTargetLoader | Module for loading JSON files for quick and dynamic tuning of filtering parameters for detection of unique targets |
CVolumeCalc |